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Opal and Iris Boutique: Elevating Jewelry with Purpose and Positive Energy

Our first official jewelry partner, Opal and Iris Boutique, is an exciting addition to the Tiny But Mighty Shop! Find out all about the team and their exquisite offerings! Perfect gifts for someone you love or yourself!


E. O'Hara

9/6/20244 min read

Photo of Chris Bisner & Carole Corrigan of Opal and Iris BouiquePhoto of Chris Bisner & Carole Corrigan of Opal and Iris Bouique

Crafting Jewelry with Natural Crystals and Stones

Help me welcome Opal and Iris Boutique to the Tiny But Mighty Shop!

Opal and Iris Boutique, founded by Chris Bisner & Carole Corrigan, specializes in crafting exquisite pieces from natural crystals and stones. Each item, whether it be a bracelet or earrings, is created with a deep sense of intentionality and purpose. The boutique prides itself on producing jewelry that not only complements one's wardrobe but also fosters a connection to well-being and positive energy. By integrating a significant array of crystals and stones into their designs, Opal and Iris Boutique offers an extraordinary selection that caters to the diverse stylistic and energetic needs of its clientele.

The use of natural crystals and stones in jewelry is a practice steeped in history and tradition. Crystals are not merely appreciated for their striking beauty but are also revered for their spiritual and healing properties. Whether it's the calming energy of amethyst or the protective qualities of black tourmaline, each stone carries its unique vibrational frequency which, when worn, can harmonize with the wearer's own energy. Opal and Iris Boutique expertly harnesses these properties, ensuring that each jewelry piece is more than just an accessory—it's a conduit for positive energy and personal well-being.

Signature of E. O'Hara - Founder of Tiny But Mighty Vendor MarketplaceSignature of E. O'Hara - Founder of Tiny But Mighty Vendor Marketplace
Bracelet made with turquoise beads with white brown and silver highlights with a turtle center beadBracelet made with turquoise beads with white brown and silver highlights with a turtle center bead
handmade beaded earrings from Opal and Iris Boutique on the Tiny But Mighty Shophandmade beaded earrings from Opal and Iris Boutique on the Tiny But Mighty Shop
7 chakra bracelet with black beads, silver accents, and rainbow center beads for chakras7 chakra bracelet with black beads, silver accents, and rainbow center beads for chakras
Matte Onyx Lava Rock Bracelet with black beads and silver accentsMatte Onyx Lava Rock Bracelet with black beads and silver accents

Reiki Cleansing: Infusing Jewelry with Balanced Energy

At Opal and Iris Boutique, the practice of Reiki cleansing distinguishes their jewelry from others, encapsulating both aesthetic appeal and spiritual harmony. As certified Reiki masters, Chris and Carole imbue each piece with an added layer of purpose through the harmonizing power of Reiki. This meticulous process ensures that not only will the jewelry enhance one's physical appearance, but it will also uplift the wearer's spirit by instilling a deep sense of tranquility and positivity. Now you can request a special intention with the piece you order from them on the Tiny But Mighty Shop too!

Reiki, a renowned energy healing practice, involves channeling universal life force energy to cleanse and balance objects, people, or environments. In the hands of the skilled artisans at Opal and Iris, this life force is directed into each gemstone, crystal, and metal used in their creations. The intention is to dissolve any residual negativity and infuse the materials with balanced, positive energy. This goes beyond traditional crafting; it creates an energetic foundation that supports the wearer's personal journey towards well-being.

Each piece is made with inclusion in mind. With two bracelet sizes to fit any body, 7 inch and 8 inch, ordering the right size for you is easy. Simply use a string or ribbon to wrap around your wrist with slight slack for comfortable fit and measure. If you have questions, or would like to order a bracelet in a custom size not offered on the site, email Chris and Carole to discuss further!

Custom Creations and Community Presence

At Opal and Iris Boutique, the commitment to fulfilling the unique desires of customers goes beyond the ordinary. Recognizing that individual energy needs and aesthetic preferences can vary, the boutique offers bespoke jewelry services. If a particular bracelet style or a specific type of crystal or stone isn't available in their existing collection, the skilled artisans at Opal and Iris are more than willing to craft custom pieces. Each of these custom creations is imbued with personalized intentions, meticulously aligned with the customer's aspirations and energy requirements.

Opal and Iris Boutique is not just confined to its base in Schenectady, NY. The boutique actively engages with the local community, frequently participating in craft fairs across the Capital Region. These events offer a unique platform for residents and visitors alike to connect with the boutique's offerings on a personal level. Through these in-person interactions, customers have the chance to experience firsthand the craftsmanship and the positive energy embedded in each creation. This proximity fosters a deeper appreciation for the boutique’s mission and the meticulous artisanship involved.

What to see everything Opal and Iris Boutique has to offer on the Tiny But Mighty Shop? Check it out here. To find out even more about them, follow them on Instagram and Facebook or check out their full online offerings on their website!